LO[0]: New language for initial compiler

/ prev next 2022-01-03 #lo

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It may be strange to start the DevLog with a decision to switch to the new language but it is also my first programming related post so I guess it is better late than never.

TypeScript POC results

After doing a POC containing hello-world emitted to LLVM IR from a compiler written in TypeScript/Node.js I noticed that Node.js does not have a great support for C FFI.

Stuff that I tried:

Dropping Node

So the final decision was:

It does have native plugins feature though. Which is basically writing glue code in C++. But instead of doing that I could have just used C++ directly 🤦.

So the next decision was to pick a better language/platform for the initial compiler. Options: Deno, Rust, C++, something from JVM, Python 🤮.


I could keep the parser and some of the compiler code and also using TypeScript is nice but looking at FFI Docs I immediately rejected this option as it basically has all problems of sbffi (plus unknown performance).


C++ would be a good choice probably because it would have native support for working with llvm, including both C and C++ APIs. But I have never actually worked with C++ other than doing some assignments in uni. Also I think that working with generics in C++ is a lot noisier than any other language that I know. I might consider trying it later if other options won't work.

JVM language

As I have some experience with Java (around 2 years of doing Android/LibGDX personal projects) a JVM language could have been an option. Kotlin or Scala specifically, not Java though as it is too verbose compared to others. There seems to be up to date lvm 13 bindings which are using llvm-c API.


Deal breaker for Kotlin: IDE support. JetBrains are apparently too greedy to make an open-source Kotlin language server so there is only a community version of that. As I would like to keep my VSCode setup and have decent experience I decided to skip this option.


Scala on the other side seems to have an official VSCode extension. It is also one of the few languages with HKT support so it is possible to write a really cool parser implementation using monads. Hmm, looks like it does not have any obvious downsides (other than lack of experience using it), could be a good option.


There seems to be some support for C FFI. But because I kinda hate Python (as a JS developer) it would only be an option if it had a great C FFI. But reading the ffi docs. It looks to be only slightly better than node-fii-napi, so it was a no no for Python.


FFI seems to be nice, and there are even some libraries for using llvm which could be good for quick prototyping. I tried to something using Rust (including attempts to make a programming language) and it is a pretty good developing experience (when borrow checker is in a good mood). Performance is definitely a bonus, but while developing compile times should also be added - which are not the strongest side of Rust. Also VSCode extension is nice

Decision: Rust vs Scala (tldr: it's Scala)

While trying to decide on which language to choose I found this thread which was helpful in making this choice.

So, main downside of Rust is development speed as it forces you to think about memory safety and type safety in general, which is actually good if you need top performance and robustness but it is not something I would like to think about for initial compiler (which will be trashed at some point).

And the main downside of Scala is startup performance (around 2 second no matter the project size). But there is seems to be a way to fix that by using Scala Native. Not sure about how much of a problem it is to switch back and forth though.

I really wanted to go with Rust again (I even waited for Rust dev container to build) but because Scala is new to me (and has less subjective downsides) I decided to go that route.