LO[11]: V2 Pipeline, Strict Formatter, WASM in WASM Interpreter
2025-01-04 #lo
LO[10]: Design is HARD, Rust Lies, Starstruck
2024-08-25 #lo
LO[9]: (yt) Hello World in WASM Binary
2024-06-10 #lo
LO[8]: (yt) Building WASM Modules
2024-05-18 #lo
LO[7]: (yt) Web-Native Language for VS Code Web
2024-04-29 #lo
LO[6]: New name, new syntax, LSP but no LSP
2024-04-21 #lo
LO[5]: Full rewrite, 3K lines file, no lib heaven
LO[4]: Deno, LLVM-C, ffigen
LO[3]: WASM, JIT and a new sub project?!
2022-07-20 #lo
LO[2]: Time to stop writing tests
2022-02-05 #lo
LO[1]: The purpose
2022-01-29 #lo
LO[0]: New language for initial compiler
2022-01-03 #lo